Ibang-iba na pagkatapos ng ehancements


SHOKOT daw mga Marites ditey ki koya unrecognizable na raw itey from his old simple-looking self? Eme.

They thought he’s a different person from all the enhancement procedures he underwent umano? Char.

Over nemen daw mga mosang sa social media, according sa mga faneys ni koya? The enhancements nemen daw were all part of his ”packaging” as an artist? And its suits him well nemen daw OA lang mga Marites? Chos.

Ackshually, bet nga ng GG ang ”appearance” nitey ni koya these days? Maangas na datingan nitey and fits his personality while performing on stage and IRL? Jinggiters lang daw mga Marites coz koya has so much to give sa audience nitey, performance level ganern? Cheret. Sinetch?! KVT